Wheel Brands

Wheels 6J x R15 / 4x98 ET 35 DIA 58.5 - wheels search

    R        PCD      DIA      ET
from      to      RUR
Found: 1307 wheels and 1307 wheel models
All vendors Alcasta Alutec Carwel Cross Street EuroDisk Khomen Wheels LS Wheels Mefro Megami NEO NZ Nitro Proma Race Ready Rial Tech-Line Trebl Venti Wheels UP X'trike X-Race YST Wheels Yamato iFree КиК СКАД ТЗСК
Set more wheel parameters for show prices on wheel models
LS Wheels LS 112 alloy wheels
LS Wheels LS 112
Price from 3 898 RUR
Offers: 19
LS Wheels NG450 alloy wheels
LS Wheels NG450
Price from 4 680 RUR
Offers: 17
КиК Торус alloy wheels
КиК Торус
Price from 4 690 RUR
Offers: 24
КиК Рим alloy wheels
КиК Рим
Price from 3 211 RUR
Offers: 41
Rial Milano alloy wheels
Rial Milano
Price from 6 310 RUR
Offers: 58
Tech-Line 532 alloy wheels
Tech-Line 532
Price from 3 361 RUR
Offers: 16
СКАД Сити alloy wheels
Price from 3 888 RUR
Offers: 112
СКАД Аллигатор alloy wheels
СКАД Аллигатор
Price from 3 888 RUR
Offers: 255
СКАД Веритас alloy wheels
СКАД Веритас
Price from 3 466 RUR
Offers: 348
СКАД Джокер alloy wheels
СКАД Джокер
Price from 4 100 RUR
Offers: 30
СКАД Орлан alloy wheels
СКАД Орлан
Price from 3 234 RUR
Offers: 22
СКАД Пантера alloy wheels
СКАД Пантера
Price from 3 276 RUR
Offers: 268
СКАД Самурай alloy wheels
СКАД Самурай
Price from 3 888 RUR
Offers: 84
СКАД Селена alloy wheels
СКАД Селена
Price from 1 424 RUR
Offers: 4445
Alutec Grip alloy wheels
Alutec Grip
Price from 4 950 RUR
Offers: 247
iFree Куба-Либре alloy wheels
iFree Куба-Либре
Price from 3 240 RUR
Offers: 17
Yamato Kotoyoshi alloy wheels
Yamato Kotoyoshi
Price from 1 600 RUR
Offers: 5
Nitro Y-739 alloy wheels
Nitro Y-739
Price from 3 593 RUR
Offers: 8
Proma Колизей alloy wheels
Proma Колизей
Price from 3 399 RUR
Offers: 135
X'trike X-105 alloy wheels
X'trike X-105
Price from 3 290 RUR
Offers: 271
КиК Сиеста alloy wheels
КиК Сиеста
Price from 633 RUR
Offers: 226
Nitro Y3159 alloy wheels
Nitro Y3159
Price from 2 550 RUR
Offers: 24
Yamato Nakamura alloy wheels
Yamato Nakamura
Price from 4 047 RUR
Offers: 5
Tech-Line 530 alloy wheels
Tech-Line 530
Price from 3 566 RUR
Offers: 54
КиК Блюз alloy wheels
КиК Блюз
Price from 3 640 RUR
Offers: 104
Nitro Y9113 alloy wheels
Nitro Y9113
Price from 1 600 RUR
Offers: 16
NZ F-3 alloy wheels
NZ F-3
Price from 2 450 RUR
Offers: 17
NZ F-21 alloy wheels
NZ F-21
Price from 2 250 RUR
Offers: 28
NZ F-30 alloy wheels
NZ F-30
Price from 2 550 RUR
Offers: 38
NZ F-31 alloy wheels
NZ F-31
Price from 2 350 RUR
Offers: 34
NZ F-33 alloy wheels
NZ F-33
Price from 2 450 RUR
Offers: 30
NZ F43 alloy wheels
NZ F43
Price from 2 300 RUR
Offers: 27
NZ F-1 alloy wheels
NZ F-1
Price from 2 350 RUR
Offers: 48
NZ F40 alloy wheels
NZ F40
Price from 2 250 RUR
Offers: 33
NZ F-12 alloy wheels
NZ F-12
Price from 2 350 RUR
Offers: 38
NZ F-22 alloy wheels
NZ F-22
Price from 2 500 RUR
Offers: 6
NZ F-23 alloy wheels
NZ F-23
Price from 2 350 RUR
Offers: 23
NZ F25 alloy wheels
NZ F25
Price from 2 250 RUR
Offers: 11
NZ F26 alloy wheels
NZ F26
Price from 2 350 RUR
Offers: 28
NZ F28 alloy wheels
NZ F28
Price from 2 450 RUR
Offers: 30
NZ F27 alloy wheels
NZ F27
Price from 2 350 RUR
Offers: 21
NZ F-16 alloy wheels
NZ F-16
Price from 2 250 RUR
Offers: 26
NZ F29 alloy wheels
NZ F29
Price from 2 300 RUR
Offers: 29
NZ F-35 alloy wheels
NZ F-35
Price from 2 450 RUR
Offers: 26
NZ F41 alloy wheels
NZ F41
Price from 2 300 RUR
Offers: 14
NZ F44 alloy wheels
NZ F44
Price from 2 550 RUR
Offers: 10
NZ F-2 alloy wheels
NZ F-2
Price from 2 450 RUR
Offers: 29
NZ F-14 alloy wheels
NZ F-14
Price from 2 300 RUR
Offers: 24
X'trike X-118 alloy wheels
X'trike X-118
Price from 3 190 RUR
Offers: 151
NZ F42 alloy wheels
NZ F42
Price from 2 300 RUR
Offers: 19
NZ F-8 alloy wheels
NZ F-8
Price from 2 550 RUR
Offers: 23
LS Wheels LS 311 alloy wheels
LS Wheels LS 311
Price from 5 064 RUR
Offers: 81
СКАД Киото alloy wheels
СКАД Киото
Price from 4 065 RUR
Offers: 215
СКАД Тулон alloy wheels
СКАД Тулон
Price from 4 074 RUR
Offers: 229
iFree Дайс alloy wheels
iFree Дайс
Price from 3 103 RUR
Offers: 182
КиК Неман alloy wheels
КиК Неман
Price from 3 058 RUR
Offers: 158
СКАД Акита alloy wheels
СКАД Акита
Price from 3 852 RUR
Offers: 204
Alcasta M35 alloy wheels
Alcasta M35
Price from 2 450 RUR
Offers: 62
Alcasta M33 alloy wheels
Alcasta M33
Price from 2 100 RUR
Offers: 98
Proma GT alloy wheels
Proma GT
Price from 3 876 RUR
Offers: 231
iFree Апероль alloy wheels
iFree Апероль
Price from 3 240 RUR
Offers: 129
Tech-Line 538 alloy wheels
Tech-Line 538
Price from 4 238 RUR
Offers: 8
СКАД Дели alloy wheels
Price from 4 190 RUR
Offers: 182
КиК Datsun КС620 alloy wheels
КиК Datsun КС620
Price from 5 590 RUR
Offers: 1
Tech-Line 574 alloy wheels
Tech-Line 574
Price from 6 716 RUR
Offers: 6
КиК Меандр alloy wheels
КиК Меандр
Price from 4 343 RUR
Offers: 525
Tech-Line 1501 alloy wheels
Tech-Line 1501
Price from 3 138 RUR
Offers: 5
Tech-Line 1510 alloy wheels
Tech-Line 1510
Price from 3 141 RUR
Offers: 28
Tech-Line 1515 alloy wheels
Tech-Line 1515
Price from 3 142 RUR
Offers: 43
Alutec Singa alloy wheels
Alutec Singa
Price from 4 360 RUR
Offers: 105
Carwel Бета alloy wheels
Carwel Бета
Price from 3 240 RUR
Offers: 85
NZ F-32 alloy wheels
NZ F-32
Price from 2 300 RUR
Offers: 39
NZ F-34 alloy wheels
NZ F-34
Price from 2 250 RUR
Offers: 25
X'trike X-127 alloy wheels
X'trike X-127
Price from 3 430 RUR
Offers: 35
Carwel Омикрон alloy wheels
Carwel Омикрон
Price from 3 240 RUR
Offers: 141
СКАД Осака alloy wheels
СКАД Осака
Price from 3 838 RUR
Offers: 248
NZ F-38 alloy wheels
NZ F-38
Price from 2 500 RUR
Offers: 6
NZ SH704 alloy wheels
NZ SH704
Price from 2 450 RUR
Offers: 8
Megami MGM-1 alloy wheels
Megami MGM-1
Price from 2 350 RUR
Offers: 276
Megami MGM-3 alloy wheels
Megami MGM-3
Price from 2 350 RUR
Offers: 181
Megami MGM-5 alloy wheels
Megami MGM-5
Price from 2 300 RUR
Offers: 235
Megami MGM-6 alloy wheels
Megami MGM-6
Price from 2 300 RUR
Offers: 16
Megami MGM-7 alloy wheels
Megami MGM-7
Price from 2 350 RUR
Offers: 27
Megami MGM-8 alloy wheels
Megami MGM-8
Price from 2 350 RUR
Offers: 21
Megami MGM-2 alloy wheels
Megami MGM-2
Price from 2 500 RUR
Offers: 195
Cross Street Y3177 alloy wheels
Cross Street Y3177
Price from 2 250 RUR
Offers: 25
X-Race AF-04 alloy wheels
X-Race AF-04
Price from 2 500 RUR
Offers: 52
X-Race AF-10 alloy wheels
X-Race AF-10
Price from 2 300 RUR
Offers: 73
X-Race AF-06 alloy wheels
X-Race AF-06
Price from 2 350 RUR
Offers: 50
X-Race AF-14 alloy wheels
X-Race AF-14
Price from 2 450 RUR
Offers: 46
X-Race AF-02 alloy wheels
X-Race AF-02
Price from 2 550 RUR
Offers: 47
X-Race AF-08 alloy wheels
X-Race AF-08
Price from 2 500 RUR
Offers: 8
YST Wheels X-19 alloy wheels
YST Wheels X-19
Price from 2 300 RUR
Offers: 77
YST Wheels X-23 alloy wheels
YST Wheels X-23
Price from 2 350 RUR
Offers: 75
Megami MGM-4 alloy wheels
Megami MGM-4
Price from 2 300 RUR
Offers: 20
Trebl X40021 alloy wheels
Trebl X40021
Price from 1 635 RUR
Offers: 32
Trebl 7680 alloy wheels
Trebl 7680
Price from 1 999 RUR
Offers: 8
Trebl X40012 alloy wheels
Trebl X40012
Price from 2 930 RUR
Offers: 13
Trebl X40040 alloy wheels
Trebl X40040
Price from 2 048 RUR
Offers: 2
LS Wheels H3002 alloy wheels
LS Wheels H3002
Price from 4 050 RUR
Offers: 8
Carwel Воже alloy wheels
Carwel Воже
Price from 3 510 RUR
Offers: 93
Carwel Хуко alloy wheels
Carwel Хуко
Price from 3 510 RUR
Offers: 49
КиК Пойнт Бланк alloy wheels
КиК Пойнт Бланк
Price from 5 330 RUR
Offers: 154
Proma Круиз alloy wheels
Proma Круиз
Price from 3 976 RUR
Offers: 117
Race Ready CSS9504 alloy wheels
Race Ready CSS9504
Price from 2 392 RUR
Offers: 36
Race Ready CSS3199 alloy wheels
Race Ready CSS3199
Price from 7 350 RUR
Offers: 5
Cross Street CR-15 alloy wheels
Cross Street CR-15
Price from 2 850 RUR
Offers: 147
Cross Street CR-16 alloy wheels
Cross Street CR-16
Price from 3 197 RUR
Offers: 194
Cross Street CR-14 alloy wheels
Cross Street CR-14
Price from 2 450 RUR
Offers: 189
СКАД Порту alloy wheels
СКАД Порту
Price from 4 074 RUR
Offers: 175
КиК Арнар alloy wheels
КиК Арнар
Price from 4 075 RUR
Offers: 429
Venti 1510 alloy wheels
Venti 1510
Price from 6 260 RUR
Offers: 1
Venti 1515 alloy wheels
Venti 1515
Price from 5 605 RUR
Offers: 25
NEO 537 alloy wheels
NEO 537
Price from 3 445 RUR
Offers: 43
NEO 538 alloy wheels
NEO 538
Price from 5 316 RUR
Offers: 50
Tech-Line 1151 alloy wheels
Tech-Line 1151
Price from 3 315 RUR
Offers: 9
NEO V03 alloy wheels
Price from 3 584 RUR
Offers: 180
NEO 574 alloy wheels
NEO 574
Price from 3 424 RUR
Offers: 69
Alcasta M62 alloy wheels
Alcasta M62
Price from 5 490 RUR
Offers: 111
Venti 1518 alloy wheels
Venti 1518
Price from 4 999 RUR
Offers: 36
iFree Маскот alloy wheels
iFree Маскот
Price from 5 141 RUR
Offers: 47
iFree Бланш alloy wheels
iFree Бланш
Price from 4 920 RUR
Offers: 35
Venti 1519 alloy wheels
Venti 1519
Price from 4 923 RUR
Offers: 29
Carwel Акуш alloy wheels
Carwel Акуш
Price from 5 428 RUR
Offers: 168
Mefro Datsun alloy wheels
Mefro Datsun
Price from 2 091 RUR
Offers: 1
EuroDisk 64B35B alloy wheels
EuroDisk 64B35B
Price from 2 491 RUR
Offers: 2
Alcasta M63 alloy wheels
Alcasta M63
Price from 5 350 RUR
Offers: 52
Proma Торнадо alloy wheels
Proma Торнадо
Price from 4 135 RUR
Offers: 15
Khomen Wheels KHW1501 alloy wheels
Khomen Wheels KHW1501
Price from 5 090 RUR
Offers: 76
Carwel Тобол alloy wheels
Carwel Тобол
Price from 5 440 RUR
Offers: 18
LS Wheels NG278 alloy wheels
LS Wheels NG278
Price from 5 533 RUR
Offers: 6
КиК КС899 alloy wheels
КиК КС899
Price from 5 945 RUR
Offers: 29
Khomen Wheels KHW1503 alloy wheels
Khomen Wheels KHW1503
Price from 6 040 RUR
Offers: 7
X'trike X-132 alloy wheels
X'trike X-132
Price from 4 840 RUR
Offers: 62
Carwel Ильмень alloy wheels
Carwel Ильмень
Price from 5 440 RUR
Offers: 41
Wheels UP Up102 alloy wheels
Wheels UP Up102
Price from 5 149 RUR
Offers: 30
КиК КС1030 alloy wheels
КиК КС1030
Price from 5 881 RUR
Offers: 30
Khomen Wheels KHW1508 alloy wheels
Khomen Wheels KHW1508
Price from 6 600 RUR
Offers: 27
КиК Хант alloy wheels
КиК Хант
Price from 6 985 RUR
Offers: 152
iFree Бохо alloy wheels
iFree Бохо
Price from 5 510 RUR
Offers: 66
ТЗСК Lada Granta alloy wheels
ТЗСК Lada Granta
Price from 2 100 RUR
Offers: 13
ТЗСК ВАЗ 2112 alloy wheels
Price from 1 650 RUR
Offers: 28
ТЗСК Lada alloy wheels
Price from 1 600 RUR
Offers: 36
Carwel Кизи alloy wheels
Carwel Кизи
Price from 5 580 RUR
Offers: 4
ТЗСК Без названия alloy wheels
ТЗСК Без названия
Price from 1 594 RUR
Offers: 214