Tires / Bridgestone

Bridgestone Blizzak 6 tires
winter tires / non-studded M+S 3PMSF / for EV passenger cars

Price from 34 190 RUR.
In stock.
Offers: 9

Stay in control, no matter what winter throws at you. Whether you face snowy roads or rainy days, the Bridgestone Blizzak 6 ENLITEN makes sure you can effortlessly handle snowy and wet conditions all winter long. With its superior mileage, you can even go the extra mile without compromising on control and safety.

Excellent mobility & control on snow
Shortest stopping distance on wet roads
Extended mileage allowing for an additional season ³

Electric vehicle ready: tyre designed to meet the specific requirements of electric vehicles.

Prices and available at stores / Moscow

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