Wheel Brands

Wheels 5.5J x R14 / 4x98 ET 35 DIA 58.5 - wheels search

    R        PCD      DIA      ET
from      to      RUR
Found: 1272 wheels and 1272 wheel models
All vendors Accuride Alcasta Alutec Arrivo Carwel Cross Street EuroDisk KFZ Khomen Wheels LS Wheels Magnetto Mefro Megami NEO NZ Nitro Proma RST Tech-Line Trebl Venti Wheels UP X'trike X-Race YST Wheels Yamato Yokatta iFree КиК СКАД ТЗСК
Set more wheel parameters for show prices on wheel models
LS Wheels LS 151 alloy wheels
LS Wheels LS 151
Price from 4 037 RUR
Offers: 6
КиК Алатау alloy wheels
КиК Алатау
Price from 3 070 RUR
Offers: 1
КиК Аттика alloy wheels
КиК Аттика
Price from 2 390 RUR
Offers: 6
КиК Игуана alloy wheels
КиК Игуана
Price from 2 174 RUR
Offers: 492
КиК Мулен Руж alloy wheels
КиК Мулен Руж
Price from 3 010 RUR
Offers: 21
КиК Сокол alloy wheels
КиК Сокол
Price from 3 767 RUR
Offers: 1
КиК Статус М alloy wheels
КиК Статус М
Price from 2 550 RUR
Offers: 6
КиК Торус alloy wheels
КиК Торус
Price from 4 690 RUR
Offers: 24
Tech-Line 406 alloy wheels
Tech-Line 406
Price from 2 862 RUR
Offers: 12
Tech-Line 415 alloy wheels
Tech-Line 415
Price from 3 037 RUR
Offers: 12
Tech-Line 417 alloy wheels
Tech-Line 417
Price from 3 037 RUR
Offers: 6
Tech-Line 420 alloy wheels
Tech-Line 420
Price from 3 058 RUR
Offers: 30
Tech-Line 429 alloy wheels
Tech-Line 429
Price from 3 194 RUR
Offers: 18
СКАД Акула alloy wheels
СКАД Акула
Price from 3 372 RUR
Offers: 213
СКАД Веритас alloy wheels
СКАД Веритас
Price from 3 466 RUR
Offers: 348
СКАД Ганимед alloy wheels
СКАД Ганимед
Price from 3 076 RUR
Offers: 18
СКАД Динамит alloy wheels
СКАД Динамит
Price from 3 232 RUR
Offers: 6
СКАД Магнум alloy wheels
СКАД Магнум
Price from 3 284 RUR
Offers: 105
СКАД Орлан alloy wheels
СКАД Орлан
Price from 3 234 RUR
Offers: 22
СКАД Пантера alloy wheels
СКАД Пантера
Price from 3 276 RUR
Offers: 268
СКАД Селена alloy wheels
СКАД Селена
Price from 1 424 RUR
Offers: 4445
СКАД Стинг alloy wheels
СКАД Стинг
Price from 3 367 RUR
Offers: 41
СКАД Уран alloy wheels
Price from 3 322 RUR
Offers: 35
СКАД Уран-2 alloy wheels
СКАД Уран-2
Price from 4 990 RUR
Offers: 47
СКАД Фортуна alloy wheels
СКАД Фортуна
Price from 3 184 RUR
Offers: 3
СКАД Ягуар alloy wheels
СКАД Ягуар
Price from 3 802 RUR
Offers: 51
Alutec Grip alloy wheels
Alutec Grip
Price from 4 950 RUR
Offers: 247
iFree Майами alloy wheels
iFree Майами
Price from 2 607 RUR
Offers: 208
Yamato Micui alloy wheels
Yamato Micui
Price from 3 767 RUR
Offers: 3
Nitro Y-279 alloy wheels
Nitro Y-279
Price from 3 269 RUR
Offers: 21
Nitro Y-292 alloy wheels
Nitro Y-292
Price from 2 730 RUR
Offers: 9
Nitro Y-294 alloy wheels
Nitro Y-294
Price from 3 399 RUR
Offers: 8
Nitro Y-450 alloy wheels
Nitro Y-450
Price from 2 050 RUR
Offers: 23
Nitro Y-4601 alloy wheels
Nitro Y-4601
Price from 2 550 RUR
Offers: 56
Nitro Y-465 alloy wheels
Nitro Y-465
Price from 2 300 RUR
Offers: 44
Proma RS2 alloy wheels
Proma RS2
Price from 3 568 RUR
Offers: 15
Proma Колизей alloy wheels
Proma Колизей
Price from 3 399 RUR
Offers: 135
X'trike X-103 alloy wheels
X'trike X-103
Price from 2 910 RUR
Offers: 189
EuroDisk 53B35B steel wheels
EuroDisk 53B35B
Price from 2 046 RUR
Offers: 4
Nitro Y-3118 alloy wheels
Nitro Y-3118
Price from 3 693 RUR
Offers: 6
Nitro Y-3119 alloy wheels
Nitro Y-3119
Price from 3 593 RUR
Offers: 32
КиК Омаха alloy wheels
КиК Омаха
Price from 2 660 RUR
Offers: 71
LS Wheels ZT393 alloy wheels
LS Wheels ZT393
Price from 2 975 RUR
Offers: 1
KFZ 6805 steel wheels
KFZ 6805
Price from 3 958 RUR
Offers: 2
Nitro Y-3120 alloy wheels
Nitro Y-3120
Price from 1 800 RUR
Offers: 52
Tech-Line 435 alloy wheels
Tech-Line 435
Price from 2 858 RUR
Offers: 33
КиК Акцент alloy wheels
КиК Акцент
Price from 3 224 RUR
Offers: 278
СКАД Экстрим alloy wheels
СКАД Экстрим
Price from 52 802 RUR
Offers: 1
КиК Джемини alloy wheels
КиК Джемини
Price from 2 570 RUR
Offers: 514
Alcasta M01 alloy wheels
Alcasta M01
Price from 2 300 RUR
Offers: 24
Alcasta M02 alloy wheels
Alcasta M02
Price from 2 550 RUR
Offers: 22
Alcasta M04 alloy wheels
Alcasta M04
Price from 2 500 RUR
Offers: 18
Alcasta M08 alloy wheels
Alcasta M08
Price from 2 500 RUR
Offers: 20
Alcasta M09 alloy wheels
Alcasta M09
Price from 2 850 RUR
Offers: 20
Alcasta M10 alloy wheels
Alcasta M10
Price from 2 500 RUR
Offers: 18
КиК Сиеста alloy wheels
КиК Сиеста
Price from 633 RUR
Offers: 226
Nitro Y3163 alloy wheels
Nitro Y3163
Price from 3 210 RUR
Offers: 16
Nitro Y3160 alloy wheels
Nitro Y3160
Price from 3 210 RUR
Offers: 37
Nitro Y3159 alloy wheels
Nitro Y3159
Price from 2 550 RUR
Offers: 24
Tech-Line 426 alloy wheels
Tech-Line 426
Price from 2 991 RUR
Offers: 5
Tech-Line 414 alloy wheels
Tech-Line 414
Price from 3 158 RUR
Offers: 14
Tech-Line 430 alloy wheels
Tech-Line 430
Price from 3 141 RUR
Offers: 34
КиК Бриз alloy wheels
КиК Бриз
Price from 3 672 RUR
Offers: 71
iFree Слайдер alloy wheels
iFree Слайдер
Price from 2 884 RUR
Offers: 136
X'trike X-114 alloy wheels
X'trike X-114
Price from 3 080 RUR
Offers: 133
NZ F-1 alloy wheels
NZ F-1
Price from 2 350 RUR
Offers: 48
СКАД Мальта alloy wheels
СКАД Мальта
Price from 3 284 RUR
Offers: 445
СКАД Монако alloy wheels
СКАД Монако
Price from 3 257 RUR
Offers: 193
Nitro Y4809 alloy wheels
Nitro Y4809
Price from 3 310 RUR
Offers: 18
КиК Канзаши alloy wheels
КиК Канзаши
Price from 3 010 RUR
Offers: 61
NZ SH607 alloy wheels
NZ SH607
Price from 2 250 RUR
Offers: 6
КиК Беринг alloy wheels
КиК Беринг
Price from 3 214 RUR
Offers: 63
Alcasta M28 alloy wheels
Alcasta M28
Price from 2 250 RUR
Offers: 43
Alcasta M29 alloy wheels
Alcasta M29
Price from 2 450 RUR
Offers: 51
Alcasta M30 alloy wheels
Alcasta M30
Price from 2 350 RUR
Offers: 50
Alcasta M31 alloy wheels
Alcasta M31
Price from 2 200 RUR
Offers: 47
Alcasta M32 alloy wheels
Alcasta M32
Price from 2 300 RUR
Offers: 57
Nitro Y4816 alloy wheels
Nitro Y4816
Price from 1 800 RUR
Offers: 26
Nitro Y4925 alloy wheels
Nitro Y4925
Price from 2 300 RUR
Offers: 55
NZ SH658 alloy wheels
NZ SH658
Price from 2 550 RUR
Offers: 18
NZ SH668 alloy wheels
NZ SH668
Price from 2 350 RUR
Offers: 41
NZ SH661 alloy wheels
NZ SH661
Price from 2 550 RUR
Offers: 48
Nitro Y972 alloy wheels
Nitro Y972
Price from 1 600 RUR
Offers: 5
iFree Флайт alloy wheels
iFree Флайт
Price from 2 940 RUR
Offers: 62
NZ SH665 alloy wheels
NZ SH665
Price from 2 300 RUR
Offers: 27
NZ SH672 alloy wheels
NZ SH672
Price from 2 500 RUR
Offers: 16
NZ SH670 alloy wheels
NZ SH670
Price from 2 350 RUR
Offers: 26
СКАД Крит alloy wheels
Price from 5 190 RUR
Offers: 60
Alcasta M35 alloy wheels
Alcasta M35
Price from 2 450 RUR
Offers: 62
Alcasta M33 alloy wheels
Alcasta M33
Price from 2 100 RUR
Offers: 98
Proma ЛеМан alloy wheels
Proma ЛеМан
Price from 3 465 RUR
Offers: 282
СКАД Ницца alloy wheels
СКАД Ницца
Price from 3 585 RUR
Offers: 63
Tech-Line 433 alloy wheels
Tech-Line 433
Price from 2 935 RUR
Offers: 31
КиК Гранта Норма КС577 alloy wheels
КиК Гранта Норма КС577
Price from 3 218 RUR
Offers: 3
КиК Lada Kalina КС579 alloy wheels
КиК Lada Kalina КС579
Price from 3 377 RUR
Offers: 1
КиК Granta Liftback КС651 alloy wheels
КиК Granta Liftback КС651
Price from 3 168 RUR
Offers: 1
КиК Сонар alloy wheels
КиК Сонар
Price from 4 968 RUR
Offers: 1
LS Wheels LS 535 alloy wheels
LS Wheels LS 535
Price from 3 952 RUR
Offers: 6
LS Wheels LS 741 alloy wheels
LS Wheels LS 741
Price from 4 200 RUR
Offers: 21
Nitro Y4917 alloy wheels
Nitro Y4917
Price from 2 050 RUR
Offers: 33
КиК Римэкс alloy wheels
КиК Римэкс
Price from 2 960 RUR
Offers: 16
Carwel Йота alloy wheels
Carwel Йота
Price from 2 890 RUR
Offers: 61
Carwel Бросно alloy wheels
Carwel Бросно
Price from 2 890 RUR
Offers: 35
Carwel Каппа alloy wheels
Carwel Каппа
Price from 3 060 RUR
Offers: 23
Mefro ВАЗ-2170 Приора alloy wheels
Mefro ВАЗ-2170 Приора
Price from 1 650 RUR
Offers: 11
Megami MGM-1 alloy wheels
Megami MGM-1
Price from 2 350 RUR
Offers: 276
Megami MGM-2 alloy wheels
Megami MGM-2
Price from 2 500 RUR
Offers: 195
Cross Street Y5314 alloy wheels
Cross Street Y5314
Price from 2 300 RUR
Offers: 24
Cross Street Y3159 alloy wheels
Cross Street Y3159
Price from 2 250 RUR
Offers: 26
Cross Street Y3176 alloy wheels
Cross Street Y3176
Price from 2 350 RUR
Offers: 14
Cross Street Y279 alloy wheels
Cross Street Y279
Price from 2 550 RUR
Offers: 21
X-Race AF-06 alloy wheels
X-Race AF-06
Price from 2 350 RUR
Offers: 50
X-Race AF-02 alloy wheels
X-Race AF-02
Price from 2 550 RUR
Offers: 47
YST Wheels X-3 alloy wheels
YST Wheels X-3
Price from 2 300 RUR
Offers: 24
YST Wheels X-19 alloy wheels
YST Wheels X-19
Price from 2 300 RUR
Offers: 77
YST Wheels X-4 alloy wheels
YST Wheels X-4
Price from 2 300 RUR
Offers: 35
YST Wheels X-23 alloy wheels
YST Wheels X-23
Price from 2 350 RUR
Offers: 75
YST Wheels X-18 alloy wheels
YST Wheels X-18
Price from 2 350 RUR
Offers: 28
YST Wheels X-10 alloy wheels
YST Wheels X-10
Price from 2 300 RUR
Offers: 20
Yokatta Model-22 alloy wheels
Yokatta Model-22
Price from 2 250 RUR
Offers: 29
Cross Street Y358 alloy wheels
Cross Street Y358
Price from 2 250 RUR
Offers: 1
Trebl X40036 alloy wheels
Trebl X40036
Price from 2 684 RUR
Offers: 23
Trebl 53B35B alloy wheels
Trebl 53B35B
Price from 1 410 RUR
Offers: 59
Trebl 53B44K alloy wheels
Trebl 53B44K
Price from 1 643 RUR
Offers: 22
Cross Street CR-15 alloy wheels
Cross Street CR-15
Price from 2 850 RUR
Offers: 147
Cross Street CR-14 alloy wheels
Cross Street CR-14
Price from 2 450 RUR
Offers: 189
Venti 1404 alloy wheels
Venti 1404
Price from 5 650 RUR
Offers: 6
Venti 1406 alloy wheels
Venti 1406
Price from 5 075 RUR
Offers: 7
Venti 1402 alloy wheels
Venti 1402
Price from 2 820 RUR
Offers: 11
NEO 438 alloy wheels
NEO 438
Price from 3 037 RUR
Offers: 10
NEO 437 alloy wheels
NEO 437
Price from 3 198 RUR
Offers: 12
Tech-Line 1141 alloy wheels
Tech-Line 1141
Price from 2 966 RUR
Offers: 12
Carwel Лада alloy wheels
Carwel Лада
Price from 5 350 RUR
Offers: 69
Venti 1419 alloy wheels
Venti 1419
Price from 4 563 RUR
Offers: 16
Venti 1415 alloy wheels
Venti 1415
Price from 2 759 RUR
Offers: 28
Tech-Line 1406 alloy wheels
Tech-Line 1406
Price from 2 837 RUR
Offers: 28
КиК Granta FL KC880 alloy wheels
КиК Granta FL KC880
Price from 5 495 RUR
Offers: 7
RST R004 alloy wheels
RST R004
Price from 5 610 RUR
Offers: 18
Tech-Line 1404 alloy wheels
Tech-Line 1404
Price from 2 980 RUR
Offers: 31
КиК Квант alloy wheels
КиК Квант
Price from 5 150 RUR
Offers: 78
iFree Кайкос alloy wheels
iFree Кайкос
Price from 4 520 RUR
Offers: 6
Magnetto 14003 alloy wheels
Magnetto 14003
Price from 1 500 RUR
Offers: 19
Khomen Wheels KHW1402 alloy wheels
Khomen Wheels KHW1402
Price from 5 944 RUR
Offers: 16
iFree Эвил alloy wheels
iFree Эвил
Price from 5 136 RUR
Offers: 1
ТЗСК ВАЗ 2112 alloy wheels
Price from 1 650 RUR
Offers: 28
ТЗСК ВАЗ 2110 alloy wheels
Price from 1 700 RUR
Offers: 17
ТЗСК Lada alloy wheels
Price from 1 600 RUR
Offers: 36
Carwel Вага alloy wheels
Carwel Вага
Price from 5 950 RUR
Offers: 29
Magnetto 14003S alloy wheels
Magnetto 14003S
Price from 1 749 RUR
Offers: 6
Wheels UP Up127 alloy wheels
Wheels UP Up127
Price from 5 610 RUR
Offers: 2
ТЗСК Без названия alloy wheels
ТЗСК Без названия
Price from 1 594 RUR
Offers: 214
Arrivo AR015 alloy wheels
Arrivo AR015
Price from 2 605 RUR
Offers: 1
Accuride ВАЗ 2170 alloy wheels
Accuride ВАЗ 2170
Price from 1 675 RUR
Offers: 9
Magnetto Steel alloy wheels
Magnetto Steel
Price from 1 600 RUR
Offers: 243
Magnetto 14003B alloy wheels
Magnetto 14003B
Price from 1 910 RUR
Offers: 2